House League Skills Sessions 2022-23
Skills Sessions for House League
NBMHA Skills
We are happy to be able to offer two blocks of skills sessions for this season. We will be offering Goalie Skills, U9, U11 and U13/14 skills sessions. Each session will consist of 7 ice times and has cost of $140.00, the first one taking you to Christmas Break or just after and the last one taking you to end of season March.
These skills sessions are being offered to House League players only who are registered with NBMHA. There are a limited number of spots per session (12 for goalies and 30 for players). Registration will be first come first served but priority will be given in the second session for those not registered in the first.
We have done our best to offer skills sessions that will conflict the least amount as possible with your scheduled practices. Once registered you will be linked in team snap and exact dates will be shown (considering some days there is no ice)
Goalie skills will be offered on Mondays from 515pm to 615pm at Pete Palangio Kelly.
U9 skills will be offered on Fridays from 5pm to 6pm at West Ferris Arena.
U11 skills will be offered on Wednesdays from 7pm to 8pm rotating between Memorial Gardens and Pete Palangio Demarco.
U13/14 skills will be offered on Fridays from 645pm to 745pm at Pete Palangio Kelly.
Second Sessions Links – Same days, same times for the second half.
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Atom A – Development Program Announced
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Registration Fees for 2018-2019
The Board of Directors are pleased to announce that programming fees will remain the same for the 2018-2019 season. We are faced with an ice rental increase of $14 per hour and a rostering increase from Hockey Canada of $6 per registrant (players and coaches). This will result in an increase of $42,000 year over